Pale Ale - English
18 lbs. British Pale Malt 1 lb. Caramel Malt 20 .5 lb. Caramel Malt 40 .5 lb. Caramel Malt 60 1 lb. Wheat Malt 1.5 tsp. Gypsum 1/3 tsp. Epsom Salt 1/8 tsp Calcium Chloride 2 tsp Irish Moss 1.5 oz. Fuggle Hops (60 min. boil) 14.00 IBU 2.5 oz. UK Kent Golding Hops (30 min. boil) 10.00 IBU 1.5 cup Corn Sugar for priming 2 each WLP002, or #1098 Ale Yeast
Mash: 90 minute infusion at 150 degrees F. with 5.25 gallons water. Sparge with 10 gallons 170 degrees F water.
S.G. 1.054 IBU 24.5